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Privacy Policy

Pursuant to the European Regulation no. 679/2016 (hereinafter referred to as the "Regulation") and the national legislation on the protection of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the "Privacy Policy"), Pack Srl invites you to carefully read this Privacy Policy, which contains important information on the protection of your Personal Data. 

The processing of your Personal Data will be based on the principles of fairness, lawfulness, transparency, purpose limitation and storage, minimisation and accuracy, integrity and confidentiality, in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations. 



The Data Controller of Personal Data is Pack Srl (hereinafter the "Data Controller") with registered office in Via Farini 6 Bologna in the person of its legal representative Giacomo Gentili. 


● Personal data (such as name, surname, date of birth, etc.) 

● Contact data (e-mail, address, telephone number) 

● Geo-location and/or Internet navigation data (including 'IP' addresses) collected via technical cookies installed on your computer or mobile device (for more information see the Cookie Policy) 

● Banking data useful for managing the business relationship 

● Photographic images and/or video footage collected during participation in promotions, contests and events, exhibitions, shows and exhibitions in general.


In accordance with the requirements linked to access to the various sections of the Pack Srl website (and without prejudice to individual initiatives involving the provision of specific Personal Data, for which specific information will be published from time to time), the purposes of Personal Data processing and the relevant legal basis are set out below: 

- Provision of the service: subject to your express consent, we may process your Personal Data in order to send you everything necessary for Pack to provide the service in the manner set out in the Terms and Conditions document. The legal basis for this processing is Consent, which can be revoked at any time.

- Marketing: subject to your express consent, we may process your Personal Data in order to send you commercial communications as well as to invite you to take part in our promotional initiatives, subscribe to our newsletter. The legal basis for such processing is the consent of the data subject, which can be revoked at any time. 

- Profiling: subject to your express consent, we may process your Personal Data for profiling purposes, i.e. to analyse or predict your tastes, potential habits and consumption choices in order to be able to offer you personalised products, services, promotions and commercial communications. The legal basis for such processing is the consent of the data subject, which can be revoked at any time. The profiling activity could also be carried out through the use of proprietary and third party cookies. We therefore invite you to read our Cookie Policy. Such processing may be carried out on condition that you provide further specific and optional consent. 

-Purposes of analysis: the Personal Data you provide when interacting with Pack Srl and the information related to the interaction will be included in our database and will be used anonymously to analyse and improve the services offered, to assess the effectiveness of the activities and initiatives promoted by Pack Srl and to conduct statistical analyses on the composition of the database itself. The legal basis for the processing is the legitimate interest of the data controller. 

Any further purposes for which you have expressly given your consent, revocable at any time. 


The provision of your Personal Data is optional. However, failure to provide it may affect your ability to take advantage of certain services (e.g. sending newsletters, etc.). The compulsory or optional nature of the provision will be indicated from time to time by the use of symbols (e.g. "*") placed next to the information whose provision is compulsory to pursue the respective purpose.

If a request is sent through the " Free Demo " section of the Website, the provision of certain Personal Data is necessary for Pack Srl to be able to meet the request, therefore the relevant fields in the registration form are marked as compulsory.

If a request is sent through the "Get to know your Mentor" section of the Website, the provision of certain Personal Data is necessary for Pack Srl to be able to meet the request, therefore the relevant fields in the registration form are marked as compulsory. 


Your Personal Data will be processed in compliance with the provisions of current Privacy Law, both with the aid of electronic and automated means and manually, with logic strictly related to the purposes of processing, through the databases, electronic platforms managed by Pack Srl or by third parties (appointed as Data Processors), the integrated computer systems of Pack Srl and the aforementioned third parties, and/or websites owned by or used by Pack Srl. 

Your data will be processed in such a way as to guarantee maximum security and confidentiality and only by persons trained and authorised to process it. The Data Controller takes appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk of the processing. 

Personal Data are mainly processed at the Data Controller's premises and at the locations of the Data Processors. 


Your Personal Data may be made accessible, for the purposes mentioned above, to employees and collaborators of Pack Srl. They will not be passed on to third parties outside the activities of Pack Srl.

In addition to the aforementioned categories of Personal Data, additional data that you directly provide (the so-called "Contributions") and share on the Social Network pages dedicated to Pack Srl ( Instagram and Linkedin ) may be processed, for the management of which please refer to the third parties that provide these services. Data collected through Social Networks include, for example, likes, comments, images and in general any content or information that you may have published on the pages of Social Networks dedicated to Pack Srl.


In order to ensure compliance with the principles of necessity and proportionality of data processing, different retention periods for Personal Data have been identified in relation to the individual purposes pursued, which may vary from 10 to 24 months based on criteria that allow for lawfulness, transparency and correctness in their use. 

Invoicing data will be kept for a period of time sufficient to guarantee the correct execution of the contract and in any case for a further 10 years in order to fulfill the related administrative and fiscal obligations. 


You may at any time exercise against the Controller the rights provided for in Articles 15 et seq. of the Regulation, including:

a) the right to obtain confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning you exist, even if not yet recorded, and communication of such data in intelligible form; 

b) the right to revoke at any time the consent given by you in relation to the purposes of processing.

c) the right to obtain access, rectification, erasure, restriction of processing and portability of personal data.

d) the right to object to the processing at any time you wish.


e) the right to appeal to the competent supervisory authority if you consider that the processing of your data is contrary to the legislation in force. 


Should you wish to exercise the aforementioned rights, or should you wish to receive further clarifications regarding the processing of your personal data, you may write to the e-mail address: or to the address of the Data Controller's registered office, located at Via Farini 6 Bologna 40124.

Pack Srl 04040451207

Copyright by Pack 2024